Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Let's keep it simple:

This site is owned an operated by me:

Lukas Böhm
Münsterstraße 88
44145 Dortmund

  • Right now this site does not use any cookies or tracking. That may change in the future. If you make a purchase you will be directed to a checkout operated by Shopify, refer to their privacy policy for further info.
  • If you sign up to my newsletter (which I recommend because it is fun) I will of course store your mail address. It will not leave my hands though and not be used for stuff other than sending you that very funny newsletter every once in a while
  • Other than that I am not storing any personal data or info. Ain't that nice for a change? 💜


Terms and Conditions of the Webshop

This includes warranty and stuff like that, so you should probably read it.

1. The offers on this website do not constitute offers in the legal sense. Sounds weird, means the following: I am inviting you to make an offer to enter a contractual agreement (e.g. buying stuff). If you are making that offer by hitting the "Buy" button, I can (and most likely will) accept that offer and we can exchange goods for money. This clause is important in the case my webshop goes haywire and offers you all the products for zero money or something like that. In that case you can not buy a million shirts and sue me into giving them to you for free. (Because I will politely decline your offer to send you a million shirts for no money)

2. If something goes wrong, for example the shirt is not available anymore in the color you ordered, you will be refunded.

3. Same thing goes for items that are broken or damaged.

4. You cannot just return an item within 14 days if it is printed on demand! Most items you order in this shop do not exist before you order them. They are tailor-made to your specifications and therefore not subject to the normal 14 day return policy. This includes all art prints and all printed clothing.

Hi, I'm Lukas.
Get in touch :)


Hi, I'm Lukas.
Get in touch :)
